Subscription Analytics Ideas

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Grant access to realtime usage report

Only admins and co-admins has access to the reports.

However the the realtime usage report can be valuable for all users in a company. Why I suggest a new role that can grant access to the realtime usage report or just make it available for all users.

  • Tine Lai Andersen
  • Sep 21 2020
  • Shipped
  • Dave Widdifield commented
    17 Feb, 2022 08:42pm

    You indicate this is planned? Is this still the case and if so when? This was originally asked back in Sept 2020 and we are now into 2022.

  • Eric Moorehead commented
    1 Nov, 2021 07:43pm

    Please consider creating a new Subscription Analytics report. This would be most helpful to management, especially in the EVD area.

  • Leslie Kilgore commented
    14 Dec, 2020 03:24pm

    Thank you for the idea! We have marked this as Planned. Because of data security concerns, we cannot grant blanket access to the RealTime Usage Report to all users. We will create a new role in User Management. Users with this role will be able to access all Subscription Analytics reports.

  • Christophe GALLAS commented
    9 Nov, 2020 01:20pm

    Indeed a realtime usage report available for all users would allow better management of licenses use and avoid possible overuses errors. A specific role with this access seems to be a good suggestion!

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