Subscription Analytics Ideas

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Version Adoption Report Export

Since Bentley started connecting an organization's version adoption to the level of Select discount they'll receive and went through the effort of creating a convenient Version Adoption report in the Subscription Analytics for your customers to use, why isn't there an option anywhere to print this specific report or set up a Data Export for it.

Did i miss something here? and if not, i think there should definitely be an option to export this report.

  • Anthony Rossi
  • Jan 9 2023
  • Nils Binders commented
    20 Jun, 2023 10:20am

    Export now is missing on right-click.

  • Anthony Rossi commented
    9 Jan, 2023 07:41pm

    I did figure out after I posted, that it was possible to right-click on the headers of the report and export to Excel or CSV which does what's needed. Maybe you can make that function bit more obvious to everyone? possibly an Export or Print button on the Report itself?